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Frequently asked questions

This website is a work in progress, so if you do not see your question here, please feel free to contact us using the form below.

What is a certamen?

Certamina are competitions for students of Latin (although being a Latin student is not a prerequisite for entering) interested in testing their knowledge of Latin language and grammar, Roman culture, history, mythology, daily life, literature and geography against students from other schools.

Students compete in teams of 1-4 and are sorted by the year of Latin they are in: Latin I, II, III, and Adanced.

What if there are more than four students on my team?

If you have more than four students on one level interested in competing, you have two options. You can split them into multiple teams (there is no limit to the number of teams you can enter -in theory, every student could play alone, although this is discouraged), or you could have up to four students in play while their teammates are benched, and then rotate students between rounds. The only caveat is that students who are not playing may not answer questions or seek to communicate with their teammates.

How are the competitions scored? 

Every certamen consists of four rounds per level. Each round is between two or three schools and consists of fifteen questions and their bonuses. The reader will read the toss-up (initial) question. As soon as any student thinks they know the answer, they are to slap in. The scorekeeper will determine which student slapped in first -if there is a tie between schools, paper and pencil will be brought in. Students may not confer with their teammates. If the student who is selected is correct, their team is awarded ten points, and the reader then reads them the bonus question for which they may confer before the team captain gives an answer. If the bonus question is answered correctly, an additional five points are awarded; if not, the team earns only its original 10. If the toss-up is answered incorrectly, no points are deducted, but that team may no longer attempt to answer the question.

At the end of each round, the points are totalled, and if there are other teams playing on that level, the teams are rotated so that each plays the maximum number of opponents possible. After all four rounds, first, second and third place trophies are given at each level of competition.

What if the competition ends in a tie?

If there is a tie for first, second or third place between schools after four rounds, then a tie-breaker round is called for those teams. This round generally has an audience of all people attending and consists of 1 question (no bonus). The team who first answers it correctly is deemed victorious.

What information do I need for this year's state convention?

The schedule of events, address of the school and other useful information can all be found in the state convention packet, conveniently located on our events page. The hotel information is as follows: Comfort Inn @ 410-820-8333 ($109) and/or the Holiday Inn Express @ 410-819-6500 ($139). Be sure to mention the Latin Club Convention or the MDJCL to make sure you get the MDJCL discount. THIS IS URGENT. DO NOT MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS AT THE LAST SECOND. FILL OUT AND RETURN ALL FORMS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. This is the MDJCL's first two-day event, and we want it to flow as smoothly as possible. Thank you for your cooperation. 

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