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MDJCL Constitution

(last updated 2002)

Article I: Name and Purpose


Section 1 - The name of the organization shall be the Maryland Junior Classical League (MDJCL).


Section 2 - The purpose of this organization shall be to promote a more thorough knowledge of classical life, history, and literature; to impart a better understanding of the practical and cultural value of the classics; and to interest other students in the classical languages, literature, government, and laws.


Article II: Membership


Section 1 - Individual Membership: individual membership in this organization shall be of two kinds: member of a chapter and member-at-large. All members shall be taking or have taken a classical language or a course in the classical humanities. Membership may be granted to others at the discretion of the State Chairperson(s).


Section 2 - Local Chapters: Local chapters shall be made up of at least five individual members who qualify and shall have affiliated properly with the MDJCL. Each chapter shall have a qualified sponsor.


Section 3 - Members-at-large: Properly qualified persons who wish to become members of the MDJCL but who have no local chapter may become active members-at-large by affiliating properly with the MDJCL.


Section 4 - Individual members shall pay their chapter dues to the State Chairperson(s). Each chapter (school) will pay a chapter fee. Dues and chapter fees will be set by the Executive Board annually. Dues may not increase by more than one dollar per person and five dollars per chapter. Funds pbtained from membership dues shall finance organization expenses, the State Convention, and scholarship assistance to attend the National Convention.


Article III: Election of Officers


Section 1 - The officers of this organization shall be the following: President, vice-president, secretary, parliamentarian, historian, editor, treasurer, and appointed executive assistant(s).


Section 2 - The term of each elected officer shall be one year from the time of election at the State Convention. An appointed officer shall serve until the time of the next State Convention.


Section 3 - Candidates for elected State office and their sponsors shall file with the State Chairperson by a specified date before the State Convention meets. Approved nominees must be present at the Convention and be accompanied by their sponsors. In the absence of sponsors, letters of recommendation will be accepted at the State Convention. No nominations from the floor will be accepted.


Section 4 - Candidates for elected State office shall be enrolled in a Latin class during their years of office or shall have completed all the Latin offered in their schools.


Section 5 - Each candidate is allowed to spend up to $25.00 on materials for election (poster-board, etc ...). Receipts must be turned in to the Executive Board at the State Convention. Each candidate will also give a campaign speech, not to exceed two (2) minutes in length, on behalf of his/her candidacy.


Section 6 - Each chapter present shall have two votes to be cast by a secret ballot for each office. Candidates receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be elected. If only one delegate is present from a chapter, the chapter shall have one vote. In case of a tie, the Executive Board shall cast the deciding votes. All other voting matters will be carried out in the same fashion.


Section 7 - If any vacancy occurs among the elected officers, the State Chair shall appoint an interim officer to serve for the unexpired term.


Article IV: Executive Board


Section 1 - There shall be an Executive Board composed of the State Officers and the State Chairperson(s). The Executive Board shall serve as the policy-making and legislative board of this organization by acting as an agent through which MDJCL business is conducted.


Section 2 - The Executive Board shall consider matters pertaining to the State Organization. Duties are as follows:


(a) The Executive Board shall have the authority to appropriate monies of the MDJCL for specific functions.


(b) The Executive Board shall examine all proposed constitutional amendments.


(c) The Executive Board shall be responsible for approving the State Convention plans and determining the schedule of all State meetings.


(d) Correspondence within the Executive Board: In order to promote communication within the MDJCL, each Executive Board member, including the State Chairperson(s), will submit a report of their JCL related activities, correspondence, and initiatives, monthly to the President and the State Chairperson(s). These reports must be filed no later than the last day of each month. The President will then compile these reports into a memo, which he or she will then disseminate to each Executive Board member no later than the tenth of each month.


Section 3 - The duties of the individual officers are as follows:


(a) President - The President will serve as the chair of the MDJCL Executive Board and will work with the state chair to make an agenda for all meetings. HE/she will preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and will stay aware of the activities of the MDJCL officers. He/she must promote the activities of the MDJCL within the organization. The President shall attempt to foster interaction and communication among MDJCL members. In addition, the President will attempt the same between the state of Maryland and other JCL states. The President must also along with the Executive Board plan for the State Convention.


(b) Vice-President - In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall take those responsibilities. Otherwise the Vice-President shall help to coordinate all state events, shall head the effort to gain new chapters, shall be responsible for MDJCL publicity, and shall take a leading role in organizing the events.


(c) Secretary - The Secretary keeps minutes for all Executive Board meetings and corresponds with NJCL.


(d) Parliamentarian - The Parliamentarian organizes and conducts state elections interprets the constitution, keeps order at all Executive Board meetings, and reviews the eligibility of all the candidates.


(e) Historian - The Historian keeps an accurate record of the year's activities, compiles the state scrapbook, creates the state T-shirt and presents it at national convention.


(f) Editor - The Editor will publish a newsletter every six weeks which relates information about the activities of the MDJCL, its members, other classical organizations, and whatever else the Editor deems proper and of the interest to MDJCL members. Every six weeks, the Editor shall submit this newsletter to the MDJCL Chairperson(s), as well as the Editor and Chairperson(s) of Publications of the National Junior Classical League.


(g) Webmaster - The webmaster will maintain and consistently update the MDJCL webpage.


(h) Executive Assistant - Any duties of the Executive Assistant are to be determined by the State Chairperson(s).


Section 4- Consistent failure of any of the Executive Board to perform his or her required duties may result in the dismissal of that Executive Board member from the Executive Board. A committee, composed of the State Chairperson(s), the President, and the Vice-President, will convene to determine the offenses and whether they warrant dismissal. If one of the members of this committee is the Executive Board member in question, anothor executive Board member must be substituted. If it is determined that the offenses warrant dismissal, then this committee will immediately convene a general Executive Board meeting, at which point the offenses will be presented and the Board will vote on dismissal. The officer in question will be given the opportunity to defend him/herself in front of the entire Executive Board. A two-thirds majority of the Executive Board members voting "aye" must be obtained for dismissal. The State Chairperson(s) will follow the procedure outlined in Article III Section 7 or 8 of this Constitution for instruction on filling a vacancy.


Article V: Quorum and Bylaws


Section 1 - A quorum shall consist of all chapters present at the time of voting at the State Convention. * In case of a tie, the Executive Board shall cast the deciding votes. All other voting matters will be carried out in the same fashion.


Section 2 - Bylaws not contrary to any provision of this Constitution may be incorporated. These bylaws, which shall be presented in writing to the Executive Board no less than one month before the State Convention, may be established, amended, or repealed by a majority vote at the State Convention, each chapter having two votes.


Article VI: Amendments


Section 1 - Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board no less than one month before the State Convention. Each proposed amendment shall be adopted by two-thirds majority vote.


Article VII: Ratification


Section 1 - A two-thirds majority vote, each chapter having two votes, shall be necessary for the ratification of this Constitution, at the State Convention.

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